Domestic Violence and Divorce
The stay-at-home orders and other isolation efforts meant to combat the spread of COVID-19 have an unfortunate effect for many people, as the reports of domestic violence incidents have increased in the past couple of months. If you have been the victim of domestic violence, you have options to protect you and your children, and you should speak with a domestic violence lawyer in Roseville as soon as possible about seeking a possible order of protection.
In many situations, domestic violence allegations lead to divorce cases, and such allegations can certainly impact your divorce in many ways. While California is a no-fault divorce state, the court can consider domestic violence accusations when it comes to different issues that are part of your case.
Child custody – Domestic violence allegations do not necessarily result in the accused being denied child custody or visitation rights. It depends on the circumstances surrounding the incident(s) and whether or not the judge believes the child is directly at risk of physical or emotional harm.
Alimony – California is one state that aims to prevent ordering a domestic violence victim to pay alimony (spousal support) to an abuser. In some cases, alimony will be prohibited while in others, there will be a rebuttable presumption against alimony awards to a domestic abuser.
Whether you were the victim of domestic violence or you have been falsely accused, it is important to have the representation of a divorce lawyer who knows how domestic violence allegations can impact your case.
Speak with a Domestic Violence Lawyer in Roseville for Help
If you have concerns regarding domestic violence, divorce, or other family law matters, look no further than the Roseville divorce attorneys at Khatami Law. Call 916.584.9610 or contact us online to set up an appointment to discuss how we can help you.