Hoss stands ready to utilize his extensive trial and legal experience, his professional, educational, and legal background to assist you.
Hoss Khatami is a resident of the Sacramento area with his three children. As an attorney, Hoss has had extensive experience in an expansive range of the legal field.
He has prosecuted trials, participated in settlement negotiations, defended or prosecuted restraining order requests, resolved custody and property disputes, participated in supporting civil and appellate litigation, put forth and has led discovery pursuits and enforcement or defending therefrom, enforced or attacked judgments, pursued or defended money judgments, obtained writs of execution and enforcement or defended against same, enforced and negotiated support related issues, and has obtained successes and results for his clients.
Hoss has worked at the highest levels of private and public enterprise as a lead executive in charge of community development and land development. While in law school, he served as a Certified Law Student for the Sacramento County District Attorney’s office and the Placer County Public Defender’s Office. In these positions, he prosecuted or defended crimes against the accused, negotiated plea bargains, took lead in arraignments and suppression hearings, and first chaired several jury trials in defense or prosecution of the accused. In college, while he worked and attended to his studies, he participated as an award-winning student-athlete on the UC Davis’ intercollegiate football team, where he was a scholarship student-athlete.
As your legal representative, Hoss stands ready to utilize his extensive experience, along with his understanding of your goals and needs, to navigate the legal field to achieve success. His approach is unswerving, diligent, client-focused, and is tailored to be sensitive to the intricate details that permeate each case and each client to achieve successes on behalf of his clients.
Contact Khatami Law to schedule a consultation so that Hoss can begin to assist you in addressing your legal needs today.
Areas of Practice
Bar Admissions
- California
- Lincoln Law School, Sacramento, California J.D. – 2011
- Honors: With Honors
- Honors: Dean’s List
- Honors: SBA and Zarick Scholar
- University of Southern California Masters of Planning and Development, MPL – 2003
- Honors: With Honors
- University of California, Davis B.S. – 2000
- Honors: Student-athlete award recipient
- Honors: Student intercollegiate football athlete grant in aid award recipient
- Major: Environmental Science
Professional Associations & Memberships
- State of California Bar Association, Attorney at Law
- Placer County Bar Association, Member
- Sacramento County Bar Association, Member
Past Employment Positions
- Law Office of Keegan & Myers, P.C., Attorney at Law
- Placer County Public Defender’s Office, Certified Law Student
- Sacramento County District Attorney’s Office, Certified Law Student.
- El Dorado County Community Development Department, Contract Planner
- Quad Knopf, Branch Manager
- City of Elk Grove, Planning Manager
- Sacramento North Division at PulteGroup/Del Webb, Director of Land Entitlements and Acquisitions
- Richland Planned Communities, Senior Entitlement Manager
- LFR Levine Fricke, Planning and Development Services Group Manager/Senior Associate
- City of Winters, Community Development Director/City Planner
- City of Woodland, Acting Community Development Director, Contract Planner
- City of Rio Vista, Contract Planner
- Atlantic Richfield Company Operations, Manager
- Pacific Municipal Consultants, Contract Planner